Micro climate

The Netherlands has a policy to stop the use of natural gas, this means that the built environment eventually will become "all electric". In this context, the heat pump is strongly promoted, which extracts heat from the outside air, soil or groundwater is used for heating up water in order to provide warm air and warm tap water. A heat pump is energy efficient because little electricity is used.
However, there are also disadvantages, Firstly the relatively high purchase costs. Secondly as the principle of a heat pump is based on heating air, it only works optimally if the room is well insulated at the same time, which also entails (often high) extra costs. Furthermore, a heat pump is not silent, requires periodic maintenance and does not always fit in homes with limited space. In practice, performances often turn out to be disappointing.

GFSC therefore introduces an attractive and cheaper alternative to the market: (low temperature) infrared-based microclimate solutions, driven by smart home automation. In contrast to infrared panels, this concerns flexible mats of only 1 mm thick that are used (as main heating) in floors, walls or ceilings.

Infrared heating does not heat air but directly irradiates people and objects in the room. It also offers the user a higher level of heat comfort. If desired, even different temperature zones can be created in one and the same room (microclimate zones). The heating mats have no wear and tear, require no maintenance and are completely modular (and therefore reusable).